Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
21 Feb 2023
Article |  | 21 Feb 2023

History of the Potsdam, Seddin and Niemegk geomagnetic observatories – Part 1: Potsdam

Hans-Joachim Linthe

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Hist. Geo Space. Sci., 14, 43–50,,, 2023
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Cited articles

Alexandrescu, M., Courtillot, V., and Le Mouel, J.-L.: High resolution secular variation of the geomagnetic field in western Europe over the last 4 centuries – Comparison and integration of historical data from Paris and London, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 20245–20258,, 1997. 
Beblo, M. and Soffel, H.: 150 years Earthmagnetic Observatories München-Maisach-Fürstenfeldbruck, Münchner Universitätsschriften, Münchner Geophys. Mitteil. H., 5, 11–18, 1991. 
Bock, R.: Ergebnisse der Magnetischen Beobachtungen im Adolf-Schmidt-Observatorium für Erdmagnetismus Niemegk im Jahre 1934, 1–36, Magnetisches Observatorium der Universität Berlin in Potsdam, Julius Springer, Berlin, 1937. 
Bock, R. and Schmidt, A.: Ein neuer magnetischer Normaltheodolit, Z. Instrumentenkd., XLVIII., 1–14, 1928. 
Brückmann, W.: Ergebnisse der magnetischen Beobachtungen in Potsdam, Ergänzungsband zu den Jahrgängen 1892–1900, Veröffentlichungen des Königlich Preußischen Meteorologischen Instituts, Nr. 232, Behrend & Co., Berlin, 1–102, 1911. 
Short summary
Gauß, Weber and Humboldt initiated the systematic observation of the Earth’s magnetic field in Germany. The first geomagnetic observatories were installed in Munich, Berlin and Wilhelmshaven. The Potsdam Magnetic Observatory was officially opened on 1 January 1890. Due to anthropogenic disturbances, a sub-observatory was installed in 1907 in the village of Seddin. The launch of the DC-powered service of the Berlin suburban railway system in 1928 terminated the observations in Potsdam.