Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Review article
31 Jan 2022
Review article |  | 31 Jan 2022

History of EISCAT – Part 5: Operation and development of the system during the first 2 decades

Gudmund Wannberg

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Cited articles

Alker, H. J.: A Programmable Digital Correlator Module for the EISCAT Radar System, EISCAT Technical Note, 79/11, 1979. 
Armstrong, J.: EISCAT Experiment Preparation Manual, EISCAT Technical Note, 80/22, 1980. 
Baron, M.: EISCAT progress 1983–1985, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 48, 767–772, 1986. 
Bauer, P., Giraud, A., Kofman, W., Petit, M., and Waldteufel, P.: How the Saint Santin incoherent scatter system paved the way for a French involvement in EISCAT, Hist. Geo Space. Sci., 4, 97–103,, 2013. 
du Castel, F., Holt, O., Hultqvist, B., Kohl, H., and Tiuri, M.: A European Incoherent Scatter Facility in the Auroral Zone (EISCAT), Auroral Observatory, Tromsø, June 1971. 
Short summary
EISCAT, the European Incoherent SCATter system, was an advanced research radar system established in northern Scandinavia in the mid-1970s for studies of the aurora and the earth's plasma environment. This paper describes the operation, development, problems and successes of the system during its first 2 decades, as recalled by its former deputy director.