Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
19 Apr 2024
Article |  | 19 Apr 2024

Atmospheric electricity observations at Eskdalemuir Geophysical Observatory

R. Giles Harrison and John C. Riddick

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Cited articles

Anonymous: The National Physical Laboratory during 1908, Nature, 80, 109–111,, 1909. 
Anonymous: The government laboratory polonium service, Nature, 4466, 965, (last access: 20 March 2024), 1955. 
Anonymous: Notes and News – Kew Observatory, Meteorol. Mag., 109, p. 215, (last access: 20 March 2024), 1980. 
Aplin, K. L. and Harrison, R. G.: Lord Kelvin's atmospheric electricity measurements, Hist. Geo Space. Sci., 4, 83–95,, 2013. 
Benndorf, H.: Über ein mechanisch registrierendes elektrometer für luftelektrische messungen, Physische Zeitschrift, 7, 98–101, 1906. 
Short summary
Eskdalemuir Observatory opened in 1908, sited remotely for magnetically quiet conditions. Continuous atmospheric potential gradient (PG) recordings began in 1911, using a Kelvin water dropper electrograph. Notable scientists who worked with atmospheric electricity at Eskdalemuir include Lewis Fry Richardson and Gordon Dobson. The PG measurements continued until 1981. The methodologies employed are described to help interpret the monthly data now digitally available.