Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
14 Oct 2024
Article |  | 14 Oct 2024

History of the Potsdam, Seddin and Niemegk geomagnetic observatories – Part 3: Niemegk

Hans-Joachim Linthe

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Cited articles

Auster, H.-U., Mandea, M., Hemshorn, A., Korte, M., and Pulz, E.: GAUSS: Geomagnetic Automated System, in: Proceedings of the XIIth IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk, Poland, 19–24 June 2006, Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland, Monographic Volume C-99, 49–59, ISBN-83-88765-70-1, 2007. 
Auster, V.: Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Pulsationsregistriergeräte am Observatorium Niemegk, Jahrbuch 1971 des Adolf-Schmidt-Observatoriums für Erdmagnetismus in Niemegk, Zentralinstitut Physik der Erde Potsdam, 1972. 
Bartels, J.: Potsdamer erdmagnetische Kennziffern, Zeitschrift für Geophysik, Bd. XIV, Heft 3/4, 68–78, 1938. 
Bartels, J.: The standardized index, Ks, and the planetary index, Kp, IATME Bull., 12b, 97–120, 1949. 
Beblo, M., Best, A., and Schulz, G.: Magnetische Karten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Sci. Technical Report des GFZ Potsdam, STR95/22, Potsdam, 1–31, 1995. 
Short summary
The DC-powered service of the Berlin suburban railways disturbed the observations in Potsdam and Seddin. A suitable location for the establishment of a new observatory was found near the small town of Niemegk. The "Adolf-Schmidt-Observatorium für Erdmagnetismus Niemegk" was officially opened on 23 July 1930, Adolf Schmidt’s 70th.  The observations started on 1 January 1932. The Niemegk measurement series spans 92 years, only interrupted at the end of World War II.