Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
Review article
27 Mar 2017
Review article |  | 27 Mar 2017

Manuel Johnson's tide record at St. Helena

David E. Cartwright, Philip L. Woodworth, and Richard D. Ray

Data sets

Tabulations of ocean tide at St. Helena, 1826-1827 D. E. Cartwright, P. L. Woodworth, and R. D. Ray

Short summary
This paper discusses an historical record of the ocean tide made by the astronomer Manuel Johnson (a future President of the Royal Astronomical Society) at St. Helena in 1826–27. It describes how the measurements were made using a tide gauge of an unusual design, which recorded the heights of the high and low tides well, although information on their times were not so accurate. Johnson’s work is not well known. One objective of the present research was to make his measurements more accessible.