Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
21 Feb 2020
 | 21 Feb 2020

A 1782–1794 sea level record at Trieste (northern Adriatic)

Fabio Raicich

Data sets

Leonardo Vordoni's sea level record at Trieste (1782–1794) Fabio Raicich

Sea level observations at Trieste Molo Sartorio (Italy) Fabio Raicich

Short summary
The ongoing sea level rise is a big concern in the context of present climatic change. The study of past sea level observations is of great importance in describing sea level variations. This work describes the rescue and analysis of a previously unrecognised 12-year record of sea level heights, measured at Trieste in the late 18th century. Besides having historical value, the data were found to be consistent, although undocumented technical issues limited the scientific conclusions.