Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
25 Jun 2024
Article |  | 25 Jun 2024

Early auroral photography and observations at the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory in Finland, 1927–1929

Heikki Nevanlinna and Eija I. Tanskanen

Data sets

Compilation of historical auroral pictures and supporting metadata information Heikki Nevanlinna and Eija I. Tanskanen

Short summary
This paper deals with historical auroral photographs taken at the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (Finland) in 1927–1929. These photos are the first ones taken in Finland. The work was a co-operation with the Norwegian auroral team and Carl Störmer. The auroral material was recently found in the archive of the Finnish Meteorological Institute and is now published for the first time for the international scientific community.