Contribution of the "Institut Scientifique Chérifien" to the development of geoscientific research in Northwest Africa since its creation in 1914
Abstract. The contribution of the "Institut Scientifique Chérifien", the oldest scientific research centre in Morocco, is reviewed since its creation almost a century ago. Planned in 1914 by the French protectorate of Morocco, this institute has played, since its effective creation in 1920, an important role in the development of several geosciences in North Africa, such as meteorology and climatology, geophysics (gravimetry, magnetism and especially seismology), geomorphology, geology and oceanography. After the independence of Morocco in 1955, several activities, such as meteorology, were transferred elsewhere, but others, such as seismology and magnetism, remained important elements of the centre until recent years. In addition to the research activities, its observatories and libraries that were built during the early years are unique in Northwest Africa.