Copernicus Publications and the Executive editors of HGSS thank the following colleagues very much for their work in reviewing the manuscripts published in the journal volume 12, 2021.
- Koustov Alexandre
- Karen Aplin
- Tohru Araki
- Per Pippin Aspaas
- Florian Bleibinhaus
- Ewald Brueckl
- Wolfgang Dick
- Fernando Domínguez-Castro
- Shigeru Fujita
- Kosuke Fukuda
- Karl-Heinz Glassmeier
- Gregory Good
- Ľudovít Hallon
- Gerd Hartmann
- Hisashi Hayakawa
- Martin Homza
- Martin Hovland
- Toshihiko Iyemori
- Norbert Jakowski
- Vladimír Karpenko
- Antti Kero
- Alojz Kopáčik
- Richard Lindzen
- David McCarthy
- Nandini Nagarajan
- Nozomu Nishitani
- John Norris
- Masahito Nosé
- Michel Parrot
- Adriano Pimentel
- Andreas Reinhold
- Jurgen Rendtel
- Michael J. Rycroft
- Willie Soon
- Serge Soula
- Wolfgang Steinicke
- Eivind Thrane
- Frederick Vollmer